Sunday, July 15, 2012

2007, Mr Grillo and Mrs. Petersen presented in W. Virginia at Naturemapping Conf.,

Naturemapping in Waterville
Support/ materials
Douglas Creek Watershed Study
4-6th grades
®   Use of their land
®   Expert training for teachers and kids in all areas of science
®   Painted the mural in our hallway

South Douglas Conservation District
®   Money for water testing kits
®   Opportunities to present

Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
®   Grant for water testing kits
Naturemapping 4th-6th
Local birders
®   Collected data, we sent it in via e-mail

Adopt-a-farmer project in 4th grade, 2nd grade and after-school program

Karen, Dan from UW naturemapping

®   On-going on-site support
®   Arcview training/assistance for students and teachers
®   Data collection protocol including designing data collection forms with students
®   Data analysis help
®   Protocol for ethogram (2nd grade), food preference study (2nd grade), and over-wintering study
®   Lots of presentation opportunities
®   15 presentations including about 50 students participating
®   Managing our work on the Naturemapping website

®   Arcview software
®   Opportunity to present in San Diego before 14.000 arcview users
®   Gift of plotter/printer with ink supply

30 wheat farmers
®   Collected our horny toad data for us, brought it in and helped us graph and map it on county topo maps
4th grade stars in a video about the project
George Lucas Educational foundation
®   Video can be found on the GLEF website and is called Leapin’ Lizards
Project wins Golden Apple Award

$500 for use by the project
4th grade students produce books of farm fields
Karen, Dan
®   Working with Arcview to produce maps of particular farmers fields

Mark Thomsen
®   Our patient farmer who worked with us design his book and iron out the details for future books.

4 farmers
®   Students will work on these 4 books and maps during the summer and get paid to do it
Tree Project
City of Waterville, a tree city USA
®   Two students took data from city employee and made an Arcview map of all trees on city property, with accompanying table
4th grade tracking horny toads themselves
Karen, Dan, CWU student,
Holohil manufacturing for transmitters
Transmitters, receivers,

Elementary retreat at Rainbow Lodge
Dept. of Fish and Wildlife

Organized science GLEs by grade level
High school ag class
Adding trees on private property to the tree map.
Survey of all box-holders in town
City Green add-on to Arcview, trial copy from American Forests
3rd grade class
CWU professor and biology class
Students collected on playground, preserved them, identified by family and then sent them to CWU for further identification
Bioblitz at Douglas Creek 3rd grade

Comparison of insects from two ecosystems

3rd grade field guide pages about insects
Editing for perfection for website while keeping the kids’ words and pictures
3rd grade blog

Parent access
2nd grade bird study
Bird models, lists of predicted species

School receives a Toyota Tapestry grant for $10,000 to support Literate About Biodiversity project
K-6 !!!!
Includes field guide production, walking tour (water conservation, wildlife attraction), artistic renditions of animals,

1 year plan
5 year plan

Karen, Dan,
Diane D (GLEF)

Supt and principal encouraged all teachers to get training and they began to buy in

Pacific Education Institute provides science and WASL training

High school and middle school students who have been a part of the Horny Toad project will get technology credit for helping an elementary class one period a day with the data collection, Arcview mapping, photography and other technology needs

Master gardener

Weather Station
South Douglas Conservation District
Purchase of $2500 weather station so we can use weather data with our animal sighting data to answer correlative questions.
After school/weekends work
Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Buy Diane’s time to work on these extra projects

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